Nintendo’s Foray into Free-to-Play

Nintendo has announced a few plans to enter free-to-play arena with the Nintendo 3DS.  They’ve released a free copy of Steel Diver on the Nitnendo eShop earlier today with paid missions and have announced an interesting mini game shop in which users can haggle their way to lower priced add-ons. …

Kindle Paperwhite – The Ultimate Language Learning Tool

The eReader market has been growing exponentially as Amazon keeps pushing out new models for cheaper and cheaper.  The main draw for these devices are the beautiful eInk screens that mimic printed pages.  The eInk’s major weaknesses are the slow refresh rates and the black and white color. Because of …

Sony Playstation Now Announcement

The Sony announcment at CES 2014 stunned gamers.  It wasn’t their new TV’s or tablets, but more surprisingly, a subscription service: Playstation Now.  Playstation Now is Sony’s answer to backwards compatibility.  The service will stream legacy games from the original Playstation, Playstation 2 and Playstation 3 to an assortment of …

Hyrule Warriors (WiiU) Announced

Hyrule Warriors is a new project announced in the December 18th, 2013 Nintendo Direct announcement.  If you can’t guess already, this is a joint project between Nintendo and Tecmo Koei.  Tecmo Koei is, of course, known for a number of series including Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden, Fatal Frame, Monster …

Phoenix Wright Trilogy HD iOS On Sale $4.99

Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright Trilogy HD was a remake of the first 3 entries Nintendo DS hit Ace Attorney series.  The series is well known for their clever, memorable dialogue and compelling stories that are revealed through the process of investigations, testimonies and court trials. The trilogy was already generously …

R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe Review

The team behind the immensely successful R4i Gold is now tackling the Nintendo 3DS market with their latest product: the R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe.  It’s a long name, but the purpose of the cart is obvious.  The R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe is the team’s effort to run backups of 3DS …