Pokemon Gold and Silver Remake OFFICIAL!

Probably not shocking news to people who have been following this for a while, but the remakes of the epic GBC games Pokemon Gold and Pokemon Silver was just announced. Obviously it will appear on the Nintendo handheld; the DS.


So what do we know?
Title: Pokemon Heart Gold, Pokemon Soul Silver
Release: Japan – Autumn

Beyond that, we know that there are “new elements” which could practically mean anything. Personally I’m hoping it stays faithful to the original.

Anyways, not much beyond that, but wondering what you guys think, do you fall into the category of:
1. I’m so excited I’m not going to sleep for the next ten nights.
2. Just another game.
3. Oh god not another Pokemon remake!?

EDIT: I thought this IGN article might be interesting. It talks about all the stuff the original gold and silver added to the series.

4 thoughts on “Pokemon Gold and Silver Remake OFFICIAL!

  1. Brandon

    For me its OH HELL YES but I’m not a person who will lose sleep, maybe a bit before it is released

  2. Anon

    Why is Gold and Silver better than the more recent ones like Pearl and Platinum?

  3. PharaohsVizier Post author

    Asides from the fact that it will be the most recent, technically, it is also a chance for errrr “old school” pokemon players to get in the game again, since it features the first 250 pokemon more prominently or even exclusively. Many players turn away from diamond and pearl because of the overwhelming amounts of pokemon.

    It also seems that gold and silver are many people’s favorite in the series, not sure why, probably because ruby and sapphire were just awful.

    I am most excited about this game because it is coming out while the DSi is still hot, perhaps we will see some integration. That and Lugia is by far the coolest pokemon ever. 🙂

  4. ZzzZilla

    Eh, link to IGN article?

    And no, I’m not excited in any way about a new Pokemon game. Played through Blue halfway and finally revisited the series in Diamond. Believe me that mean no offense when I say “You can put lipstick on a sow, but in the end you’re still kissing a sow”.

    Sure, it has nicely polished mechanics. It’d better, after what, 5 versions? But I just don’t see the point in revisiting the same game over and over again.

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