Nintendo E3 2009 Summary

I’ll be honest, I missed the mark today, and slept through it. So I’ve just been reading up the live blogs and watching the videos from Youtube here. 🙂 Anyways, again, this is to save you guys a bit of trouble:

Metroid – The Other M – Wii – 2010 – Exclusive, NEWLY ANNOUNCED
– 3D, absolutely beautiful! Watch the trailer…

Golden Sun DS – DS – To Be Announced – Exclusive, NEWLY ANNOUNCED
– Obviously one of the largest announcement in the show for any RPG fans. The Golden Sun series on the GBA have been called the best RPG games ever made time and time again, and people have been wishing for a Golden Sun DS since the DS came out. I can’t wait, I think the trailer says everything already.

C.O.P. The Recruit – DS – 2009 – Exclusive, NEWLY ANNOUNCED
– Ubisoft’s version of GTA? Features a bad cop, looks really really fun.

Dead Space Extraction – Wii – September 29 2009 – Exclusive (sort of), already announced
– I know lots of people hate the fact that it is a rail shooter (or “guided first person shooter” as they like to call it), but it does bring Dead Space to the Wii and it looks great!

Kingdom Hearts DS – DS – September 29 2009 – Exclusive, already announced
– Already released in Japan, but o well. I was never a fan of Kingdom Hearts, but did get sucked in once a while back by the GBA version.

Resident Evil – Darkside Chronicles – Wii – 2009 – Exclusive, already announced
– Errrrr, rail shooter, not impressed, but it is Resident Evil

Super Mario Galaxy 2 – Wii – To Be Announced – Exclusive, NEWLY ANNOUNCED
– Sequel to game of the year, need I say more?

New Super Mario Bros. Wii – Wii – Holiday (?) 2009 – Exclusive, NEWLY ANNOUNCED
– New Super Mario Bros. Wii is like the Wii version of the DS game, looks pretty fun, returning back to 2D (sort of) Super Mario Bros. Allows up to four players to play at once!

Mario vs. Donkey Kong: March of the Minis Again – DSiWare – June 8th 2009 – Exclusive, NEWLY ANNOUNCED
– Easily a good deal, the first one was really fun, and now that it is DSiWare it’ll be an even better deal.

The Conduit – Wii – June 23rd 2009 – Exclusive, already announced
– Just a bunch of pictures of gameplay, I actually didn’t know about this game and it looks pretty good, with internet as well? Even more impressive.

WarioWare DIY – DS – To Be Announced – Exclusive, already announced
– Warioware… random minigames, yay

Flip Note Studios – DSiWare – Summer 2009 – Exclusive, NEWLY ANNOUNCED
– DSiWare game that makes those flippy things. I guess it will be worth getting since it’ll probably be $5 or less.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles – The Crystal Bearers – Wii – To Be Announced – Exclusive, already announced
– Just another trailer, we’ve heard about this game for months now, but still nothing really concrete about it yet.

Wii Sports Resort – Wii – July 26th 2009 – Exclusive, already announced
– Looks great, with support for Wii Motion Plus it looks a lot more responsive, they showcased a bunch of activities like ping pong and golf.

Women’s Murder Club – Games of Passion – DS – October 13th 2009 – Exclusive, NEWLY ANNOUNCED
– Game versions of books just don’t work, and here’s proof.

Wii Fit Plus – Wii – 2009 – Exlusive, NEWLY ANNOUNCED
– I don’t care much for Wii Fit, but I guess it’ll sell millions again. I still can’t believe the success of the first one… But Nintendo is going to milk it. 🙂

Wii Vitality Sensor – Wii – To Be Announced – Exclusive, NEWLY ANNOUNCED
– Yay something to sense your pulse rate, and apparently that tells them how excited, stressed, active, etc you are. I didn’t think they could come up with something dumber than the pedometer for the DS, but here it is!

The Legend of Zelda – Spirit Tracks – DS – To Be Announced – Exclusive, already announced
– Absolutely nothing new, just a quick mention of it.

DSi Facebook Connectivity – DSi – Summer 2009 – Exclusive (?), NEWLY ANNOUNCED
– Not an actual game, but being able to upload pictures to Facebook directly from your DSi! I guess some people will be REALLY happy, but I always thought Facebook was a dumb invention.

So what did I think? Not too shabby, I thought Nintendo would be wiped clean by Microsoft’s conference, but luckily they had a few games to back them up. Golden Sun DS and Metroid: The Other M is more than enough to bolster up Nintendo’s lineup.

2 thoughts on “Nintendo E3 2009 Summary

  1. Zack

    If you ask me, the “other M” is going to be one of Nintendo’s mildly retarded children. However, Super Mario Galaxy looks really nice. I hope it’s not just a continuation of the first one. Until your summary and video of NSMB Wii, I thought it was a dumb idea. They had better include WiFi, though. I don’t have any friends.

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