Blackberry Curve 8900 Javelin… worth the carpal thumb syndrome!

                Hi EVERYBODY!  This is me_too_lazy, long time admin, first time blogger guy.  You may remember me from such youtube films as raffle 1 and raffle 2.  Even though this is a website mainly about Nintendo DS products, it is still important that we look at other toys, which is my specialty =]  Today I’ll talk a little bit about my BLACKBERRY CURVE 8900 (AKA Javelin).  *drools*

                I bought my Blackberry 3 months ago and I have to say, it is life changing!  I was a skeptic once when I hear about these “crackberry” users.  I thought only CEO’s and business owners use Blackberry’s.  I ask myself, how can somebody be so attached to their phone?  Now I know…

What exactly makes this little device life changing for us average joe’s?  Simple, it keeps you connected to all your friends in EVERY way imaginable and then some!  On top of the obvious phone, texting and email features, I am currently also using on my Blackberry:

·         MSN Live Messenger

·         Google Talk

·         Yahoo Messenger

·         Facebook

·         Twitter

·         Blackberry Messenger


As you can see, every friend will be kept in touch with 24/7 no matter what messenger they’re using.  They will be able to find me as long as I have my phone.  Everybody knows what most of the programs of that list are except for Blackberry Messenger, so let me explain. 

Every person that owns a Blackberry has their own unique PIN.  You give your PIN to your friends that have Blackberry’s and you add each other and that’s it.  Now you are connected in another messenger type program.  What makes BBM special?  It’s free!  Don’t need a data plan for it.  I personally have a data plan so it doesn’t make much difference for me.  However, once you’re connected to all your friends that have Blackberry’s on BBM, you’ll be using it much more than any other messenger.  It feels like an exclusive club! =]

You’re probably saying, lots of other phones have those messenger programs built into them.  I can tell you now, none of them do it as well as a Blackberry.  If you want games, music, multimedia, etc go with the iPhone.  If you want to type FAST and keep connected with your friends, Blackberry is the way to go.  It does so many little things well; I could go on for many pages.  I have not played with the iPhone in depth but I was using my friend’s and it frustrated me to no end.  It was mainly the typing that drove me insane.  I use my phone to chat mainly, not to play games, so the Blackberry was a better fit for me.  I use my Blackberry so much my friends are starting to get creeped out at how often I’m texting away.

Pharaohsvizier said I should have about 500 words minimum per blog… so… Screw Flanders Screw Flanders Screw Flanders Screw Flanders Screw Flanders Screw Flanders Screw Flanders Screw

5 thoughts on “Blackberry Curve 8900 Javelin… worth the carpal thumb syndrome!

  1. shadowhunter

    Wow. That. Is. Some. Great. Phone. I have a crappy phone that has a cracked screen, its been 5 long years and my parents said I just upgraded. 🙁

  2. me_too_lazy Post author

    of course i did
    nobody likes flanders

  3. RisingDevil

    I have the blackberry 8830 World Edition, but don’t have a dataplan. (imma not gonna pay 30 euro’s per month for some internet or gps acces…)

    I love my phone too :p

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