I’ve had my iPlayer for some time thanks to 4CoolDay.com
The cart is amazing and pretty much does everything they advertised. If you want a cart that can run .avi files, look no further, the iPlayer is the only one that can do it, and it does it well. I love it and will probably keep using it for a while. Honestly the image is sharp and crystal clear, playback is good and overall the cart just works like it should.
So you can read the DSDatabase iPlayer review by clicking the link.
another flawless review yet again Pharaoh
oops forgot to log in but yeah, anonymous was me lol.
That’s one awesome device. CycloDS + iPlayer, best carts out there!
Looks good. 4coolday has pretty good prices. Had I ordered my M3i there, I would’ve saved a few bucks at the time.
i wish i had one