0ShippingZone.com NEW DSDatabase Sponsor

We have a new sponsor with us that is excited to work with me, and they are the people at www.0shippingzone.com. They seem like a good store offering cheap prices. They are based in China, so they are competing with several companies that offer the rock bottom prices, but it seems their big selling point is that their packaging time is significantly lower, and their prices are fairly similar to begin with.


Right now, they are embarking on a review collection, they are asking for reviewers with some experience to write their comments on each of the carts and create useful how-to videos so that their customers can make an informed decision which is quite honorable. I look forward to seeing the reviews published there, and I’ve already subscribed to their YouTube channel.

Also I thought I’d mention that they are having a grand opening sale that brings a few of their products to prices even lower than DealExtreme, most notably the CycloDS Evolution. So please support DSDatabase by supporting our sponsors! Thank you

Links to their current promotion items right now:
(Prices listed are with coupon code “opening”)

CycloDS Evolution ($40.41)
iPlayer ($35.29)
M3i Zero ($24.13)
AceKard 2i ($16.28)
R4DS ($5.53)
** Free black extendable stylus for either the DSi or DS Lite with any purchase of a flash cart! **

22 thoughts on “0ShippingZone.com NEW DSDatabase Sponsor

  1. DeltaBurnt

    Arg! PV you stickied the last three blog posts and now my Mighty Flip Champs! review probably won’t be seen at all D:

    (I just posted it like a minute ago)

  2. ChocoMint

    Sorry for double post, but I am having trouble logging in on school computers, and I have a couple more questions…

    Here, they sell memory for flashcarts: http://www.0shippingzone.com/flash-memory-c-38.html

    Does the MicroSD cards come with the card and adapter pictured?

    Is the MicroSD reader they sell reliable?

    And, can you get that same package (the larger one with freebies, of EZ Flash Vi) from 0ShippingZone?


  3. PharaohsVizier Post author

    Honestly I have no clue. The EZ Flash Vi they have includes the freebies, no clue about the reader though, the picture shows the older version, but stores often have pictures of old stock rather than new.

    I’m asking about the memory cards now as well since I intend to purchase. It looks like it doesn’t come with an adapter 🙁

  4. 0ShippingZone

    Usually, the memory card we sell by itself (as the one in the picture), comes with SD adapter. The one as an option from the product page does not come with the adapter.

    The ones that do not come without SD adapter cost less.

  5. MasterPenguin

    I love how it says no clones on the logo, but the R4 SDHC is on the home page. Really nice prices with the coupon, nonetheless.

  6. 0ShippingZone

    Well, we are not sure if people considers R4 SDHC a clone. Or even all the other R4s are clone. At least we know we do not carry some cards that claim to be R4 DS, but are not the real R4DS. So, from our point of view, R4 SDHC is not a clone. Some people may disagrees with that.

  7. PharaohsVizier Post author

    Is that really the smartest thing 0SZ? We may appreciate stores that don’t stock R4 clones. But from a business owner’s view, they do sell well and are probably a good source for revenue.

    I think the real issue why people don’t like stores that stock these carts is more because some of them try to pass them for real R4s or claim that a part of the original R4 team worked on a particular model or don’t quite provide accurate information. As long as you avoid that, as many stores are now doing, no one would really judge you.

  8. 0ShippingZone

    One of the reason we did not stock all the R4s was that we did believe they were all similar in their functionality and it was not necessary to have all of them to confuse our customers.

    The R4s we have are:
    1. The original R4.
    2. R4 SDHC which is a R4 (not the original) with SDHC support.
    3. R4i SDHC which is another R4 (not the original) that supports SDHC plus DSi. Also, they happened to be the first R4 that came out to support DSi.
    4. R4i RTS, the only reason we carry then is that they are made by M3. We like M3 products very much and we do believe they are not clone of R4. I don’t know why they used the name of R4, but that doesn’t stop us from carrying them.

    I hope this answers the questions here.

  9. 0ShippingZone

    just to add to my comment above,
    It depends on how you define the R4 clones. If only the original R4 are authentic, yes then all the flashcards named R4 are clones.

    We tend to use the (clone) definition of the product that uses the exact same name (like fake R4 in the beginning) but with poorer quality and sells cheaper. I don’t consider all the R4 out there are clones. They are just similar in functionality and price.

  10. shadowhunter

    Oh my! I really like this site! Heh, a small question to 0SZ, but aren’t all the R4s pretty much the same thing with different wrappings and different variations of the same Firmware?

  11. 0ShippingZone

    not necessary. Some of them are, but some of them have their own design. Some companies just want to use the name R4 instead of having their own brand. But the design inside is total different than the R4.

  12. PharaohsVizier Post author

    Well there are some that are clones of the EZ Flash V, some that are clones of the original R4 and some that are of the AceKard kind. Sort of interesting to look into it.

  13. shadowhunter

    ahhhh lol but it striked me as odd that the banner says no clones, authentic seller. But technically aren’t you kinda selling clones? :3

  14. shadowhunter

    Oh. oops sorry about that. I kinda interpreted it differently…

  15. jakob95

    Guys let them sell whatever they want, its there business not ours… I don’t understand whats the problem of selling R4 SDHC? If it makes good money why not sell it? I know its a flashcart that doesn’t have good support and bad for people to own, but that’s not 0shippingzones problem. So point is who ever buys the R4SDHC, 0shippingzone makes money which is good, and its there problem that they bought it without research if it was a good flashcart, its not 0shippingzones problem, once they learn that R4SDHC sucks as soon as they get it they will start researching and then buy a M3i or Acekard from 0shippingzone, and 0shippingzone makes more money.

  16. shadowhunter

    Yeah I know, but I just had a tiny question about something they said and I wanted to address that.

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