Halloween Raffle! EZ Flash Vi

Halloween is coming up and I promised another raffle. For this ghoulish occasion, we are giving out an EZ Flash Vi cart, and I suppose the black and yellow (possibly orange) design is a perfect fit for this competition.

Halloween Raffle!

Anyways, there are two methods to enter this time, either from the blog or the forum for a single entry, or both for two separate entries!

So the instructions:
1. Post on this thread with a short Halloween story or a description of what you plan to wear for trick or treating or your Halloween parties. Minimum of 15 words. Please include a valid email address in the email address box, or use an account with a valid email address which is the method I will contact the winners.

1. Sign up from the blog or the forum side. Please use a valid email address, that is the method I will contact you.
2. Have a post count of 2 or more, so feel free to post new threads or reply to old threads now (please avoid replying to threads that are very old).
3. Post anything in the signup thread to confirm your entry.

The raffle is open until midnight of October 31st, 2009, Pacific Time.

Good luck everyone!

PS. Feel free to use the banner in your signatures in other sites, etc. πŸ™‚

50 thoughts on “Halloween Raffle! EZ Flash Vi

  1. Jakob95

    For Halloween I am probably going to go trick or treat. Around my block and stuff. I won’t be wearing a costume because I don’t want to look like an idiot.

  2. benjaminlibl

    Isn’t that kind of the point of trick-or-treating..

  3. DeltaBurnt

    I plan to trick or treat around my street, then goto the “Masters” part of my neighborhood where the rich people (Michael Dell’s Accountent lives in my neighborhood :D) give out money supposedly.

  4. shadowhunter

    Haha, I wanna go trick-or-treating as a sumo, but I can’t seem to find a costume anywhere… T_T If not, I’ll custom order a Pikachu outfit and terrorize the people on my streets XD. I might go with some friends and family and have a get-together afterward. πŸ™‚

  5. Allen

    I will probably be death this time… for the 8th time XD. Well, yeah.. I’ll just run around my block and since its a saturday, maybe go around a few times more XD

  6. BankaiCero09


    For Halloween I will go with my friends and dress up as homer from the simpsons show and trick or treat for maybe 1 or 2 hours then go to a halloween party then sleep over at a friends house and watch a movie the day afterwards and etc…

    im still desperate on getting a flashcart and i signed up for last ones iplayer raffle so i hope i have a chance on this one and get lucky maybe for once

  7. BankaiCero09

    i hope i win and if i do umm i may contribute and stuff if you need anybody for reviewing or anything like that because i used to do that or give out help for ones who need help

  8. ChocoMint

    For Halloween, I plan on staying home, because I am a bit old to go Trick-or-Treating. I’ll probably give out candy.

  9. asdf

    One time when I was 6, my mom dressed up as Scream and scared the crap out of me. I don’t plan to dress up this year, though.

  10. mixinluv2u

    i think i am a little too old to dress up or go trick or treating, but i am still here to join the raffle. =) maybe my girl will dress up for me πŸ˜‰

  11. stab244

    I’ll probably be some Kingdom Hearts character… Better than being a Pokemon I guess. Or maybe Rockman since EXE:OSS comes out a few days after Halloween.

  12. Shadz

    Worst story I can think of…one night, I was thirsty and wanted some water, I went downstairs to get the jug, i opened up the fridge…AND SCREAMED!!

    The jug was empty.

  13. wchill

    If I can get it together by then, I’ll be Roxas! With the black Organization coat and everything.

  14. BoxShot

    What if I don’t dress up for Halloween or get candy since no one around me does?

  15. aztecdude1

    i plan to stay home and get someone else to do the hard work! if i was going i would go as a ninja elephant just for fun.

  16. DaDAM

    what i plan to do for halloween dress up as a huge gigantic wii remote and go to some parties.

  17. Shadz

    Ill point this out…

    1) Australians don’t really trick-or-treat..we drink (given, we do this every day…)

    2) Candy? Western fail…Its LOLLIES

    3) Come to think of it, thats really soon, and my next exam from then will be the 4th….DRINKING TIME!!!!

  18. Gamer4life

    YAY the raffle is here ok now to describe what i will be doing for Halloween. I will be taking my nieces out trick or treating which is always fun to do cause i love them and i will be going as Jason (wearing a hockey mask and wielding a bloody knife). And i still have no idea what they are going as.

  19. zonkuya

    There is no tricking or treating in the country I live in. We will probably go to the cemetery though. It won’t be creepy and it should be solemn, but I get a thrill just the same.

  20. regnad

    I’m probably going to recycle a previous, but good, costume: my wife as our cat, and me as a box of Meow Mix. A stroke of genius.

  21. Danny600kill

    Last halloween me and a few m8s decided to get drunk and go trick or treating. i cat remember much of tht night but i do no tht we ended up waking up on a m8s trampoline with a bmx frame and one inertube. The next day i found that someone we now from school had there bike nicked from his garden. he found out a few weeks later what happened and he now laughs about it so i think this time he may come with us just to make sure nothing like tht happens agen lol. But i cant promise anythink πŸ˜‰

  22. Placeholder

    Last halloween I went to a party as Hitler… as you can imagine it didn’t go down very well. The others there gave me dodgey looks the whole night… it wasn’t at all fun :C

    Anyway, this year I think I’ll dress up as a dead pixel… Plain and simple right? Cardboard box. Felt tip pen a Dx face on it. Luminous paint. That could work πŸ˜€ but people might not get it… so I will probably go as a zombie from PvZ!

  23. playallday

    You guys do this what, every few weeks now? πŸ˜›

  24. airpirate545

    For Halloween, I am going with a Star Wars theme with me and my friends. I will be Chubacca, already found a great head to toe costume. One of my friends will be Darth Vader and another will be Storm Trooper. Gotta learn some Wookie lingo before Halloween…

  25. Brian117

    The only thing I have planned for Halloween is to well…watch marathons of Halloween. Ya’know, the series with Micheal Myers. That’s my only tradition these days. My neighborhood has got so bad in the last year, so my family and I decided to stop handing out candy out in this hellhole. D:

  26. MasterPenguin

    Dress up as a dead pixel? Best one yet! XD

    I’m not going to be doing much, more then likely will just be handing out candy to little kids. ;(. But watching Mr. Bean’s pretty awesome. =P

  27. DsHacker14

    For halloween I will be dressing up as mario with the new hat I got from club nintendo xP my grandmother is a seamstress so she’ll be making the costume. It will be awesome. I’ll be out trick or treating with my friends who are going to dress smb theme πŸ˜€ hopefully my girlfriend will agree to dress up as a fire flower.. xD

  28. kozloz

    if i were to wear a costume i would be a walking michael jackson zombie XD

  29. Domination

    If I wear a costume it has got to be Eddie, the mascot of Iron Maiden!!!

    I just love Iron Maiden.

  30. Ritj

    Halloween isn’t really that big in my street.
    But, I’m ready for what ever shows up on my doorstep.

    If I were to go out, I’d just wear something casual, not to looke like an idiot.

  31. ZzzZilla

    Nope, no Halloween spirit around these parts…

    BUT, if I did go to a Halloween-themed party, I would totally go as Mario. Get smashed. And act like a mean Italian drunk, asking anyone I bump into “Whadya mean the Princess is in another castle!?!?”.

  32. Mr.Mysterio

    People dont celebrate Halloween in the Middle East.Too bad.I guess it would be fun to dress up in costumes and get free candies.I would really like to dress up as something but then the people here would think I am mad!

  33. Hani

    For Halloween I’m going to stay at home. When the little kids come trick or treating, I’ll give them a trick they’ll never forget. What is it? You’ll find our come Halloween.

  34. Capsule08

    I’ll be passing out candy this year with my mother. It sounds boring, but I try to make it as enjoyable as possible.

    For instance, like I have done in the past years, I climb up onto my roof to await the happy trick-or-treaters, and as they arrive at the door I then drop down a spooky spider attached to a string for a good scare. πŸ™‚ I occasionally bring up some candy, too, and test my skills by dropping it into their bags from above, whilst trying not to be discovered. Some notice, some don’t. πŸ˜€

  35. Tajio

    Meh might aswell.

    I plan on doing nothing but I know that my friends will force me to go trick-or-treating for LOL, they planning taking 3 carts full of expired eggs and “we” will throw it at peoples houses… talk about childish Β¬_Β¬ .

  36. dood

    I’ll be dressing as a pirate and my friend will dress up as a ninja you know where this goes from here.

  37. Cap the Destroyer

    I’m gonna dress up as a classic, a zombie. Gonna go around the neighborhood and rack up some candy.

  38. XDDX

    I’m too old for haloween now but when i was younger, we used to go out as gosts using like a Black Robe and those ghost masks.

  39. KingVamp

    Get some candy, party, and play games with my friends, but I’m not wearing a costume my friends might.

  40. specialjerm

    I plan on just chilling at my house with some friends to enjoy the weekend πŸ˜€ however, my friends had the idea of one of us dressing as a hot dog, someone else as a bun, and the rest of us are condiments. One of my other friends suggested that we dress up as houses and we can freeze when trick-or-treaters walk by us.

  41. 999roy999

    This year for Halloween I think I’ll end up dressing up as Santa Claus in a giant red suit with a santa hat. Then of course I’ll carry a sack that’ll probably end up having nothing in it since I’ll probably end up going to a party and not trick-or-trating.

  42. Jacob G.

    I think I might go as a person who keeps interrupting other people, “IMA LET YOU FINISH, BUT THAT LAST HOUSE HAD THE BEST CANDY EVAH!”, my sisters idea. good luck people!

  43. jurassicplayer

    This year for Halloween, I’m going to be dressed up as a psychotic antisocial creep dressed up as a normal person and hide in the sanctuary of my dark and quiet house and wait out the night as the zombies, princesses, witches, ghosts, and one-eyed, three-toed, blue-haired, orange kappa pass by. xD but this one time, my friend put a sign on his door that said “Hohoho, Merry Christmas”.

  44. Monty Kensicle

    I will be a Dragon hunter. A 19th century style Dragon hunter with long billowing coat, sword, and coachman’s hat.

  45. Joeshie

    I’ll probably be Marill, the pokemon :P.
    I’ll be handing out candy. So, when they come to the door, I’ll yell TRICK and chase them with chopsticks. If they run away they get one piece. If they stay, they get three pieces.

  46. Zieg30CT

    This Halloween I am dressing up as a zombie clown to signify the zombie apocalypse coming for us in 2012. I will go all throughout my neighborhood scaring everyone while demanding brains and their flesh in return.

  47. Tinyt

    I was Kevin Jonas from the Jonas Brothers. My sister and brother were the other two Jonases. We all wore like white v-necks, vests, ties, scarfs, and hats. And I even scribbled on some sideburns!

  48. PharaohsVizier Post author

    Entry deadline is extended for a few hours so that late night halloween partiers get another shot. I will close this off as soon as I wake up tomorrow morning.

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