Clubhouse Games Winners and RAFFLE RESULTS!

Hiya everyone,

To cut to the chase, we have a YouTube video this time with the raffle, it’s 6 minutes long, so if you don’t really want to watch me going over the prizes, etc, you can just look at the very first comment of this post for the winner.

Anyways the video is here:

Our tournament winners are:
1. zidane_genome
2. eekbot
3. Flame24444

Congratulations, all 3 of them got the prizes they wanted. Our raffle winner will receive an AceKard 2.1 cart. So if you happen to be the raffle winner, PLEASE give me an email within 3 days or your prize will be passed on to our next winner.

So again I want to thank the AceKard team and PDAPanache for their support for this tournament. Keep in mind that once I’ve shipped out the prizes and finish everything else off we will have another tournament! Remember that you can always contribute ideas to future tournaments in this thread.Also we continue to plan raffles and giveaways for our DSDatabase Blog, so check back often!

4 thoughts on “Clubhouse Games Winners and RAFFLE RESULTS!

  1. PharaohsVizier Post author

    And our raffle winner is: Karaba13

    I apologize for the untimely choice of thumbnails by Youtube, apparently it takes up to 6 hours to change the thumbnail once I decide to change it, so hopefully we can fix that soon, at least before Karaba13 comes.

    Our backup winner is: dan92

  2. PharaohsVizier Post author

    Don’t worry dan, as I mentioned, we have a history of non-replying people. Once they lost in the tournament, they figure that it’s over. I mean c’mon guys, it isn’t impossible, the odds of winning was exactly 5%.

  3. dan92

    lawl i guess people just loose and forget about the raffle, i wouldnt have seen it, i just did cuz i visited dsdatabase to see what’s up and i saw the tourney was over, anyways i hope the guy claims his prize, cuz u know, he won the raffle.

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